Dodge Ram 2500 | The Dalles, OR 97058 | 3D7KS26C35G733345 | New and Used Cars | Auto Insurance | Car Loans
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2005  Dodge  Ram 2500
VIN: 3D7KS26C35G733345

Recent Asking Price: $15,990
Estimated Payment: $267
Exterior Color: Light Almond Pearl

Vehicle located in The Dalles, OR 97058
Vehicle Options
12V Pwr Points,Adaptive Variable Suspension,Adjustable Steering Wheel,Advance Air Bag,Air Ride Suspension,Am/Fm/Satellite Radio,Anti-Lock Brakes,Chrome Bumper,Custom Wheels,Four Wheel Drive,Front Air Conditioning,Intermittent Wipers,Power Brakes,Power Steering,Roll Bar,Split Bench Seat

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